Protect Yourself from Fraud

*Information provided by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
- Keep in mind that wiring money is like sending cash: once it's gone, you can't get it back.
- Don't send money to someone you don't know.
- Don't respond to email, text of advertising messages or phone calls that ask for your personal or financial information.
- Don't play a foreign lottery.
- Don't agree to deposit a check from someone you don't know and then wire money back to them, no matter how convincing the story.
- Read your bills and monthly statements regularly both in paper form and online.
- In the wake of a natural disaster or another crisis, give to established, reputable charities.
- Talk to your doctor before buying health products or sign up for medical treatments.
- Remember there's no such thing as a 'sure thing'.
- Know where an offer comes from and who you're dealing with.