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Human ServicesFor organizations that provide basic human needs for low-to-moderate income individuals and families, including food, shelter, heath care, job training, financial education, small business support and first-time home buyer assistance. 
Affordable HousingFor programs that preserve low-to-moderate income housing units and projects that create low-to-moderate income housing units.

The majority of grants are funded up to $5,000.

We’ve Gone Paperless!

Cambridge Savings Bank and the Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation have implemented web-based applications for non-profit organizations to request charitable donations, which include grants, sponsorships, or in-kind donations. The online applications streamline the review process by replacing paper, phone and email requests. All requests must be submitted via the Grant Application below for consideration. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us at

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
  • Must serve low-to-moderate income residents in the following counties: Middlesex, Suffolk, Essex, or Norfolk
  • The request must be program/project specific
  • If a donation request is approved, we typically make up to a maximum of one donation per non-profit per calendar year

Funding Requests That Will Not Be Considered

Submission Deadlines

The Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation Board meets on a quarterly basis and submission deadlines are April 15th, July 15th, September 30th, and December 31st.

Required Information Needed to Complete Application

  • Cover letter addressed to Jeri Foutter, First Vice President, Community Partnerships and Foundation Officer signed by your organization’s Executive Director or President of Board of Directors
  • Your organization’s mission
  • Annual Organization Budget
  • Percentage of your beneficiaries who are low-to-moderate income
  • The amount of low-to-moderate income individuals will benefit from the requested amount
  • Most recent Form 990
  • Nonprofit W9
  • Latest financial statement: Audited or Non-audited
  • List of your Board of Directors
  • Copy of your IRS 501 © (3) determination letter or tax exempt status
  • A copy of your proposal including:
    • Your organization’s history, major programs, organizational structure and staffing
    • Target population, community needs, goals to be achieved and timetable to accomplish the goals
    • How success of this project will be evaluated
    • Program and Operating budget (including salaries)

To apply for a grant, please complete the application below:

Make sure you have all the required information listed above before filling out the application.

Required Indicates required field
Are you using a fiscal sponsor?
IRS 501(c)(3)
Have you previously applied for a grant, sponsorship or other funding from CSB?
Have you previously collaborated with CSB on Financial Education sessions?
Is your organization a CSB customer? (This is not a requirement to be considered for funding.)

Grant Request 

Type of Request

Please note: The Foundation primarily supports program and capital expenses, not operating expenses.

Select all that apply. Percentage total(s) should equal 100%.
Do your beneficiaries participate in any state or federal assistance programs (SNAP, WIC, TANF, CHIP, etc.)?
Select the counties listed below in which your low-to-moderate income beneficiaries reside that are within Cambridge Savings Bank's Community Reinvestment (CRA) communities:
Select the Gateway Cities listed below in which your low-to-moderate income beneficiaries reside that are within Cambridge Savings Bank's Community Reinvestment (CRA) communities: (This is not a requirement to be considered for funding.)
Select your CSB branch towns in which your low-to-moderate income beneficiaries reside.

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Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
  • Your organization’s history, major programs, organizational structure and staffing
  • Target population, community needs, goals to be achieved and timetable to accomplish the goals
  • How the success of this project will be evaluated
  • Program and Operating budget (including salaries)
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18 MB limit.
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